Makaela still has 2 ½ weeks until her due date but she already has many blessings! This weekend was our baby shower and it was so nice to have a little more time than a typical week for hanging out & talking with friends, as well as opening all the fun & cute little baby stuff! Virginia Aguilar, Leah Poarch, Ashley Delaney, Angela Peters, & Taryn Smith were the lovely hostesses. It was a pretty relaxed come & go backyard family-style shower, where our friends’ kids were free to run, climb, & swing on the playset & eat their fruit kabobs or pieces of cake on their own little picnic table. In all, I think about 30 people (plus 7 children) came together in 100F+ Texas heat to bless us! How loved we felt! I love family-style get-togethers & what better time to have one than when celebrating the birth of a new family? I mean, yes, Jay & I have been our own little family since we got married, but having a baby will turn us into a new family of three, with one of those three being completely dependent on the other two for everything! J
My coworker Macie is due a week after me so our work baby shower will be combined this Wednesday. That is, if we both make it! I will be a day shy of 38 weeks & she will be 37 weeks, both considered full term. J I’m sure we both will, & the party hour will be a welcomed break for everyone from our day-long scheduled training & staff meeting!